Prison part IV

The sky had darkened, the darkness slowly spreading, becoming, blacker, deeper, absorbing all light, getting bigger, stronger as it ate away at the sky. That had darkened, it was coming. He could feel it in his bones. He could feel it beneath his feet. The ground was trembling.

It had begun a few days ago. When the weather had cleared, it had seemed like a freak accident at the time, the prisoners cheered, the guards cheered, these two groups of natural enemies even dared to hug one another. The fires seemed to be dying down. The howling winds had just stopped. Thunder flashed out of existence. He was excited like all the others. For different reasons though. He understood that this was the calm before the storm. He understood that it was begun. The night before, he had found words scraped onto his wall. BE READY. He knew it was them. He was excited. He was happy, he was ready. He would lead his army into the new world order.

The next day, the weather cleared. He waited.

The day after, it got better. He received his instructions.

The prisoners were ecstatic. The guards were joyous. Everyone was in a better mood, suddenly, it was as if they were all dependant on the whims of nature and her moods for their own moods.

The third day, a dark cloud appeared on the noon sky, black as if it were the cause and bane of all light. Slowly spears of darkness spread out from it, tendrils, tentacles. By evening, the sky was overcast. By night, it was all dark, and they knew that it would not change the next day. The sun would not come out.

Bright lights woke him up. Adam had been dreaming of lights, he had been dreaming that everything was dark, and that he would be the light, the Messiah to guide them all through the darkness and into a new Light Age.

He had always known he was special, even as a child, when the other children would look up to him for leadership, and sometimes when he saw the fear in their eyes. It was his destiny, etched into his very existence. This was his purpose. The reason for his life.

Adam was dreaming of bright lights in darkness.

Adam woke up to bright lights in darkness.

The lights came first, then the blaring horns, that forced him to put his hands on his ears, trying to drive away the sound. They stopped. The prisoners started screaming. They thought this was Adam’s doing, they were finally getting out of here. The butcher in cell 8 started pounding the walls of his cell and others followed, the guards rushed to unlock his cell, hand him their weapons, and throw down their caps. They were his too, now. He walked out to fanfare, believing that it was his doing. It was for him, after all. So, of course it was his doing. He was the rhyme and the reason. The Messiah. He smiled. He walked over to the windows. Bags were falling over the walls. Not bags, snipers. The snipers. They were toppling over. Then ropes were thrown over. People starting climbing in. He bade the guards unlock the prisoners. He would return to the organization with his army, a glorious army returning him. His mission was complete. Adam smiled.

Danish Aamir