Hot Air Balloon Ride

She looked at him. He looked at her. The balloon rose ever higher, the flame gasping as it filled up the red and blue and white balloon with hot air. The air started to become stronger, and whip around them the higher they went. The guide was manning the fire, and they were staring into each other’s eyes. The wind was roaring. The ground below was becoming smaller until it was just splashes of color blending into one another. Green fields, into yellow crops, into gray lines of road, dots of colors speeding down the highways, blue rivers. The sky around them was lit up with red and orange, fire and fury as the sun filled it with shades for one last dance. Birds were chirping, soaring lazily as they made their way to their nests. The wind was warm.

When he had messaged her for the ‘world’s most daring date’, he had not expected her to say yes. He had not been expecting anyone would. But they had said that they would pay for it, and really, what was the harm. Someone finally said yes. Most people had unmatched him within minutes, yet weeks later, someone said yes. And she was more splendid than anyone else who had gone out with him. Stunning, bombastic, spectacular. She was something else. A mystery filled with magic. A treasure trove of tenacity. She was spectacular, a wonderful specimen. And she was amused by him. She knew. She knew. He had told her on the very first date. And yet, she stayed. No hesitation, she went out with him for the second.

On the first date, they had gone diving with sharks. Without cages. It was beautiful. They had been paying for it, he had no worries. He didn’t care why. He didn’t care that they seemed to know a lot about him. No fear. It was his motto, it was why they had picked him. He had held out his arms, wishing for them to embrace him. They sharks did not. The Apex predators circled around him, curious. They could smell it in him. He was like them.

He had sat her down after the first, and told her.

Then he got an email. WE WILL PAY FOR THE NEXT. The money was in his account the next day. He booked what he wanted to do. It was the exact sum, as if they already knew he would take her out on a hot air balloon ride, this specific one.

He reached for her hand, still looking into her eyes. She drew away a little, it was brief, but he saw it. Just like the others. Fear and disgust flashing in them. He held her hand, gripped it tightly, and smiled, but inside he was fuming. Just like the others.

Just like the others. Once they found out, all of them reacted the same way. She was just like the others. It infuriated him, enraged him, his head was spinning, his ears were getting hot, his vision was blurring, too much air was going into his nostrils. The cars below were specks.

“Are you alright,” she asked, putting her hand on his shoulder.

He roared. Pushed her. Her body flailed as it flew through the air. Then stillness, he couldn’t see her land, but could feel the squish as she splattered onto the ground below.

Danish Aamir