Camping Trip
Stars lit up the night sky, specks of white splashed around on a black canvas. The smoke from the fire spiralled upwards, the heat remained thick, lazy on the ground. The smell of marshmallows diffused everywhere. Three boys and two girls lounged on the logs spread around them. It had been a good idea, taking this break before they headed off to college. Alan and Penny cuddled as they took turns staring into the heart of the flames, and at each other. They were both going to Stanford, Alan on a scholarship, Penny paying in full. Jerome strung some chords on his guitar, oblivious to the eyes and sighs of Jenna, who was in love with him. Jack’s eyes were closed, he was humming, and thinking. This had been a good idea. These friends, who had been so tight since a year before high school started, had worked their asses off. They had all gotten into good schools, and this was the last summer before they would physically be in one location for a good long time, they would all find summer jobs or internships, research opportunities. Jerome thought about the football team at Yale. Jenna thought of how she would miss seeing Jerome, talking to him, watching his mouth break out into that goofy grin, when she would be at Harvard. Jack thought of all the things he would get to see in New York, he wouldnt have time for much studying at Columbia, but he didnt need much time. The flames flickered, mesmerizing, the smoke dancing to their tune as it soared in the sky. Marshmallows giving off that sweet, sticky smell. Jerome put the guitar aside, and went to grab them from where they were roasting, he handed two to everyone. They were camping besides the woods. It was a hot summer night but one of their group, it was irrelevant whom, because all of them had basically blurred into one unit, they had not been apart for five years, one of them wanted the fire, and they all decided it would be a cool idea. It wasnt a bad one, definitely worth it. Even better than what any of them had pictured. Alan thought about whose idea it had been to come camping. The group should get together, and get that person something. His heart hadnt felt this light in ages, what with the burden of responsibility on his shoulders since his father had left ten years ago. With Penny, it was different, she made him feel good, confident, but he still felt responsible for her. This feeling now, here, under the stars, it was new. He was light, weightless. It wasnt Penny’s idea. Jenna? No, she was madly in love with Jerome, couldn't think of anything else, and that oblivious buffon didnt even know it. Jerome? Yeah, it could have been. “Guys, i’d like to make a speech,” Jack stood up. The guitar strings stopped, with one last twang. The fire twinkled. “Actually, no, let me just show you. Come.” he grabbed his backpack, and led everyone into the woods. Jerome? No, he wouldnt have. He hadnt been able to talk about anything but the team at Yale, he was probably worried that he was missing practice with Coach. Alan looked at his face as they trudged through the fallen branches and leaves, and it was calm, peaceful. He had needed it too. This wasnt his idea. Jack! Yeah, it was Jack’s idea. Alan remembered when Jack had proposed it, and he also thought he remembered a weird look on his face when he did. He brushed it away, his memory playing tricks on him. “Right here,” Jack dropped his bag on the ground, it fell too fast, he opened the zip, and pulled out a gun. Five shots rang that night. Only four bodies were found the week later.