Bees were buzzing, humming gleefully as they flew around the flowers, all shades, all colors: purple, red, yellow, shades of orange, and blue, and mauve, all rising from the ground from forests upon forests of green stalks. Water was yapping joyfully nearby, splashing the ground playfully, belying the big ocean it came from. The air smelled salty, there was a warmth in it, as the sun shone done brightly and cheerfully.
Bees were buzzing around, much fewer than there had been a few years ago, which were fewer than a decade ago, which in turn were fewer than there had been two decades ago. As much as they reproduced, even they could not fight against the viceregents the Creator had placed on the planet, those that were slowly killing Mother Earth.
The sun was covered by dark, glowering clouds. Thunder rumbled in the air. Electricity crackled. The bees were unperturbed. Mother Earth had her ways, she would not hurt herself. Driven by some mechanism, driven by evolution, survival instinct. They were not concerned by Mother Nature, everything she did, she did for the greater good. They were concerned by the humans, who, everything they did, they did for themselves, regardless of the consequences. And the consequences could be seen here too, in their small patch of land. Over a few years, for many years, the water had been rising, destroying line after line of their flowers, their food.
The thunder growled, they were unconcerned. The humans polluted, they became very worried.