Dog 1

He’s home, he’s home. I can hear the key turning in the lock, i jump out of the cage, and run to the bed. I sit there, he seems to be struggling with the key. But i can smell him, i hear him. I cock my head. The door opens, he is in the living room, i can hear his movements outside, is he coming to the room? I don't know yet, he’s paused. Sometimes he doesn’t come into the room first. Sometimes, he goes to the bathroom. Oh, he’s coming! The door opens, and he hugs me, and he whispers, “meri jaan”. I prance around him. He’s home. I was so bored, thank you for coming back. I was bored, and i didnt have anything to do. I bark up at him, and paw at him, can we go to the park, please?

Danish Aamir