Object - Actor ... Public Service Announcement

How was your trip?

“You know, it was the worst thing. I got off my flight, and don't even get me started about Pakistan, that’s a whole ‘nother chapter. I got off my flight, tired, i had been travelling 22 hours by then, i tried to get out of the plane as soon as possible so i could avoid the crowd and get in line first but this old woman just took so much time. I could hear her bones creaking - basically - as she crawled out of her seat, and then looked for her bag. And i had to wait so long for her. She couldn't grab her bag, and after a couple of minutes of holding us all up, she asked a taller man to grab it for her. Thank god for him, but he bumped past me, and it was kinda hard. He didn’t even apologize! Twenty two hours, and i had to wait even longer in line after that. And then, they took me aside, TSA. Can you imagine the nerve! I don't even look dangerous. They’ve already interrogated me hundreds of times, why again. I’m the same person. And i knew that would waste so much more time. This room they stuck me in, it smelled, and it was dimly lit, and there were people just standing there, TSA agents, but they would not take me inside. Literally people that were free, standing there talking to one another. What is wrong with these people. No appreciation for other people’s time. The man just kept on asking questions. And he kept on staring at me. It was creepy. And then there were a bunch of annoying kids just doing cartwheels right next to the luggage carousel. Like i want to get my stuff, can you please move. And the floor, don't even get me started about the floor at the airport. My shoes were literally sticking to it. Ugh, i shudder to think about what was on it. Terrible experience, terrible experience-”

“You know, it was very interesting. A cool adventure. Definitely makes for a great story. It was a long flight, the whole travel time was 22 hours. But that’s what happens when you come back. Damn, i already miss the food in Pakistan, good stuff, good stuff. And the mangoes, goddamn. I did not sleep, maybe i should have, but hey, where else do you get to watch movies back to back to back, and have it be socially acceptable. Haha. i did take power naps, those were great. I was still pretty tired, who wouldn’t be. But it was a good kind, there was this old lady in front of me when we landed, as i was rubbing the grit out of my eyes. She smelled nice. And she was so cute in an old-person way. She couldn’t get her bag, I grabbed it for her. She smiled a wrinkled smile at me. Really made my heart melt. I put on my headphones, walked out, it’s always interesting waiting in lines at airports. It’s the best place to people watch, so many different kinds of people. They took me aside for special screening, they do it every time. But honestly, i don't mind. It’s nice having someone to talk to after such a long flight. The room was dimly lit, i could almost imagine i was in a movie, creaky light, squeaking, swinging slowly like a pendulum. My turn came, and this kindly white agent walked me to another room further inside the TSA area. This one had three desks, for when it was busy. Right now it was empty. Kind of nice really. He asked some questions, he was very nice. I really do like the TSA interrogations, believe it or not. No one listens to me as intently at TSA agents. It’s like they really care about me. You want to have good human interaction after such a long flight where everyone’s just out of it. And then he let me go. And i strolled over to the baggage claim area. The floor was kind of sticky. Made me think of gum. Damn, let’s go get some gum. What flavor do you want? Cotton candy? I’m more of a classic person. And there were kids there doing cartwheels. Very athletic, i high fived one as i walked by him. Made me smile. People need more energy. Fun trip, fun trip-”

Which are you?
In your story, are you the victim or are you the protagonist?

Danish Aamir