
His stomach hurt. He knew there was something inside of him. He knew it had been the doctor. But they would all call him mad. No one would believe him. Heck, even his own mother had not believed him. After all, he was just a kid. But he knew the doctor had done something. He had not liked the man since he met him, smile too wide, teeth too yellow, eyes a little crazed. Dr Arif Tendu had smelled of cigarette smoke and a little bit of madness. When the man had placed the stethoscope on his chest, he had felt shivers up his spine. Like when he saw snakes or crocodiles at the zoo. As if he were prey, and he had seen the hunter. He shuddered even now, thinking about it. 

His stomach hurt. He knew it was the doctor. He had been hearing his voice in his head, crystal clear, as if talking to someone, ‘yes sir, i have them all here. I can see through their eyes. The parasite is in them.” “They are taking well to the parasite.” “Everything is going well.”

His stomach hurt, making a squeaking, it felt like it was twisting in on itself, impossibly, in ways it was not supposed to. He could smell acid in his nose, and bile in his throat. The latter was feeling too tight, it felt like he could not breathe, but gasping did not help. His eyes, though, crystal clear. He could see better than ever, and yet, they sometimes moved without him realizing it, without his brain giving the command, it felt. It was disorienting. He was not ready for it. It was the doctor, of that he was sure. Maybe he was delusional. Maybe he did not know. He was just a kid after all.

No one would believe him, no one did.

He could hear the parasite talking to him. It had a cultured voice, he would have expected something like that to have a raspy, hissing voice, he didn’t know why. Maybe it was all the television he saw. But it did not. He did not know if it could even talk. He suspected it did not speak his language, yet somehow, he understood it. Somehow he could make out exactly what it wanted. It was a sentient being, strong, smart. He shuddered sometimes, but it was very nice. Seemed very nice. Sometimes it could read his thoughts. He wondered if maybe it could read them all the time but never let him onto that. Maybe that was possible. Oh shit, he should stop thinking about this then. 

The parasite inside him continued to grow, Dr Arif Tendu continued to watch, none the wiser. The boy continued to talk to the new tenant in his head.

His stomach hurt, he held it tight, eyes winced in pain, he tried to sleep, he tossed and turned. Everything was becoming darker, the world was becoming scarier by the day. The boy saw dreams of hellfire.

Danish Aamir