
It was a cult far greater than any had been in the history of mankind. There had still been naysayers. They had denounced The Assistant, and all that the Organization had stood for. Their concerns now, seemed largely unfounded.

Above all concerns, nothing could really stand in the way of what they had accomplished. World peace. Was there anything better? Sure, humanity had gotten used to it, gotten complacent with it. There were even children born now that would never know war, or starvation, or restlessness. Their souls would be filled, their hearts light. Eyes twinkling with wonder, never knowing the worst that humanity once had to offer. Even the naysayers had now been won over. Soothed by the wisdom of the light.

One of their biggest concerns had been that humanity would cease to interact with one another. Would forget how to live, how to love, how to laugh. That everyone would live in a world of their own, closed off, shut down. This idea gained the most traction in 2035. On August 15th, 2035, The Organization released their update.

It was a brief five second clip, played on everyone as soon as they woke up. They did not mind. They even wanted it. It was the fifteenth. It was time for an update. True to their nature, it was chaotic and rambling, did not seem to care about the adoption or promotion of their brand. But it got the message across. When virtuality becomes reality, i’ll bring you into my universe.

A shiver had run through humanity. Excitement. Joy, sparking a message of love.

The love had spread far and wide. It did not even need to be specific people. It could be anyone. A theory had been propogated for many years. Given the right circumstances, you could fall in love with just about everything. The right circumstances had finally come knocking. For everyone. They were at the door.

People fell in love, left and right. Forwards and backwards. Everyone. Because once you entered someone’s world, truly someone’s world, their mind, their reality, then you understood. You sympathized. Past, present, future. Nothing was hidden from you. This was a level of connection previously not known to humankind. This was a level of connection unthought of, unimagined, even in the wildest dreams of the craziest thinkers that humanity had to offer.

Everyone was connected. Everyone was useful. Everyone was made to feel that they had some value, they had worth. The organization was questioned no longer. As well they should not be. They had single handedly brought about world peace, turned all peoples, all nations, into one. A singular tribe. They had single handedly brought a level of human connection that could not compare. To anything before it.

They were unquestionably the only authority left on earth. The only one people trusted. Misgivings about them. Poof. Vanished. They were not filled with malice. They only wanted to help. And help they had. And help they did. They did. Did they

Danish Aamir