The wind tousled her hair. It breathed through the dry, sticky, salty tears on her face. She shivered. She smelled blood in her nose. She heard her heart pounding. She felt her hair whip the fingers that were covering her face.

They had been so good at the start. They were always good. He had a problem with the fact that she had had sex. She could not be his good desi wife. She had had sex, and it had not been with him. He had wanted her to be a virgin, and he used to tell her she was a slut, and not just in bed. She had sex with him, she sucked his cock, she let him fuck her, mostly he wanted to fuck her from behind, and he pulled her hair. He called her a slut, his slut, she believed him. She would be whatever he wanted her to be. She loved him. He loved her. In his own twisted way. He told her so. She was not delusional. It was also in his soft gazes, the caressing touch, as electricity flew through her skin. Daniyal. He didn’t know she was here. He was in Jersey, visiting his cousins. He knew she was here. He didn’t know she was crying.

Outside, an ambulance wailed. She flinched at the sound. Murmured a quick prayer.

They had always been fine. It was just her. Making things in her head. No, but they were true. She had refused to believe them at the start. Had refused to believe that he was seeing people behind her back. People were seeing him. He was not to blame. They seduced him. She felt the rage in her tears, felt her ears turn red, her vision blur with red, and wet. Felt the blood in her ears, heard it pounding through her nostrils. 

A crowd of people stumbled into the courtyard, drunk. It was getting late. Their loud, slurring voices stopped, probably as they saw her, she kept her head in her hands. They stumbled into one of the towers, and she heard them become loud once more as the elevator pinged away from the lobby and towards their floor.

Girls had always seen him, noticed him. Why would they not. He was handsome, he was tall, he had such a pretty voice, slow drawl. So they noticed him. They seduced him, trapped him in their own ways. Besides, she was fat. He never said it, but she could see him looking at her stomach as she undressed and before she turned around and bent over for him. She tried everything, even to have sex without condoms. He liked it that way, and she could never say no to him. She could never turn him down. And he felt so good in her. Sometimes, no, a lot of the time he pulled her hair too hard. He slapped her butt too hard, she could feel tears well up in her eyes. But it felt so good, and yet, she could feel the growl in his voice, sometimes, she got a little scared of him when he was having sex with her. Especially when he wrapped his hands around her neck. And after they were done, he would look at her with disgust. And make her wish she had not just had sex with him.

Danish Aamir