He wondered much later what would have happened had they not interrupted the ritual. He wondered much later what would have happened had he not interrupted the ritual. It felt like for the first time in his life, he was part of something. Much… bigger… than him. But then, he did not have the time for regrets. In fact, he didn’t have much time - much later - at all.
He found himself at the edge of the clearing, entranced. The moon was still bright, the darkness still a void. The air was fresh, and he had grown accustomed to it, but he would not realize until he was outside of the clearing how fresh and rejuvenating it had been. The ground sighed warmly hugging his feet, comforting, comfortable.
She was dancing. Paler than the moon, dancing in a white dress. Light catching off the swirls of the dress. The dress never once touching the ground, the ends swirling and dancing with. She was so beautiful, he gasped. Her dance brought her closer to him, between twirls, she looked at him, eyes beautiful and black fading into waves of blue, twinkling, expressive, smiling. Her hair was long, beautiful, glimmering, dancing around her, circling her as if her partner. Sentient beings, full of life. Her feet were bare, expressive by themselves, just by the way they moved, curled around rocks and beautiful, tiptoed over grass or felt themselves immersed by it. She was the most beautiful thing Hūr Amran had ever seen.
The animals were around the circling, some standing up on their hind legs to watch like the hares, others on all fours like the wolves sitting behind them peacefully. Some from trees, unblinking yellow eyes, the owls, others usually restless, now silent and still, squirrels. All were watching. Captivated. Still.
A shudder went through the forest. He could not explain what it was, not then, not now. But it felt like a warning. The next instant, he could feel a being behind him. He saw a white flash, after his eyebrows winced, and his vision blacked out.
Strange, he didnt remember it raining. Yet there was rain dripping down his head.
After his eyes closed, he could still see her dancing, throughout the duration of his blackout, his mind was shut, yet somehow he could see her dancing. Feel her dancing. It was as if she was some muted channel, a tv depiction in his head that was turned on, and in the background. When he came to, he was blindfolded. He was in a car riding over bumpy terrain. Then his head hit the seat and he passed out.
He woke up again, all was silent but for a quiet humming. He felt the caked blood on his face. His hands were tied. He was sitting in a chair. He passed out from the exhaustion.
Later he would try to figure out what it was, but he could not tell. It was as if he had lost memory, was grasping at straws. But he knew it was important. Something about that woman in white dancing in the woods was important, and he felt an overwhelming urge rage as he tried to return.